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Board of Directors

The mission of Project F.U.E.L. is to relieve hunger in school-aged children, to enhance spiritual, physical and emotional health, and to relieve anxiety, and improve attention and self-esteem, leading to increased academic performance and ultimately higher graduation rates.

Patricia Donahue


Pat is retired Professional Learning Facilitator from the Clarksville Montgomery County School. She has lived in Clarksville for 43 years. Her community involvement includes, Clarksville Sunrise Rotary, Urban Ministries SafeHouse Committee, Leadership Clarksville, past Education Foundation Executive Director, past United Way Board of Directors.

Denise Skidmore

Executive Director

Denise is employed at Trane Technologies. Denise has lived in Clarksville for 29 years. Denise’s community involvement includes Leadership Clarksville, Urban Ministries, Crime Stoppers and Civitan.

Tom Henry


Tom is a Partner and Managing Principal of Stone, Rudolph & Henry PLC. Tom’s community involvement includes serving on the Austin Peay State University College of Business  Advisory Board,  served on the Board of Big Brothers Big Sisters and various church committees.

Donna Sabash

Donna Sabash has lived in Clarksville 42 years and is currently the Secretary & Office manager for the Clarksville Cvitan Club. She is the recent VP & current Spiritual Commissioner of her Church Womens group. She also serves as the co-chair of Immaculate Conception School Advisory Council. She obtained her undergraduate and graduate nursing degrees from APSU and enjoyed a challenging 43-year career in Surgical (Trauma)/Critical Care/Emergency Dept. nursing and nursing leadership.

Tim Munoz

Tim is the Preschool/Children’s Pastor at Hilldale Baptist Church. Tim has lived in Clarksville for 16 years.  Tim served as President of the Rossview High School Band Boosters for 4 years.

A.J. Haynes

AJ was born on Fort Campbell, and raised in Clarksville for most of his childhood. Coming from a military family, he lived a few years overseas. AJ has over 12 years experience in the fitness industry and currently is the Membership Director for the Hopkinsville YMCA overseeing membership, childcare and fitness programming. He also is a National Trainer and Presenter for MOSSA, a leading group fitness development company. Community involvement includes being a Board Member of The Food Initiative and a Small Group Leader for youth at Grace Community Church.

Judy Smith

Board Member
Employed with Tennessee Department of Human Services as a counselor for 35+years. Fuel Coordinator for Madison Street United Methodist Church for years. A Volunteer in local schools. Avid supporter of Austin Peay State University sports since being a student at the university. Active member of Madison Street Methodist Church including Choir and other areas of the church

Joann Richardson

Joann is a Clarksville native and Clarksville high alum class of 2016 as well as Austin Peay State University class of 2020. She works for Muse Modern Marketing as their marketing coordinator and her community involvement includes her leader ship roles in her local church Kid’s Ministry, student ministry Relevant, Celebrate Recovery, as well as a past leader ship role in the Baptist collegiate ministry at APSU.

David Davenport

David currently serves as the Assistant Vice President of Health & Wellbeing at Austin Peay State University; but started at APSU as Director of University Recreation, a position he held for 21 yrs.

Prior to APSU, David served at Old Dominion University in recreational sports. Additionally, David served with a dual role as Chief Diversity Officer at APSU from 2016 – 2019.

David earned his bachelor of science from Appalachian State University followed by his master of science in education from Old Dominion University. He is an active member, and Past National President, of the National Intramural-Recreational Sports Association (NIRSA), Clarksville Sunrise Rotary Club, Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc, and The National Panhellenic council of Greater Clarksville.  

David has been a sports official since 1988 in Baseball, Wrestling, Basketball, Softball, Volleyball and Football. These days, David enjoys golf and watching anything sports-related or binge-watching drama tv shows. 

Richard Swift

Richard is currently retired since 2021. Previously he was active military from 1969 -1973,worked for Portman Companies, an Atlanta based hotel and office building developer. He returned to Clarksville in 1987 and co-partnered with 3 others to form a commercial real estate brokerage firm, NAI Clarksville and worked his last 3 years with Centennial Retail, a Nashville based commercial brokerage firm from which he retired in 2021.

Richard served as Chair of the Clarksville/Montgomery County Regional Planning Commission, Chair, County Board of Zoning Appeals, Chair, Public Building Authority, Member of the Railroad Authority, Member of the Regional Solid Waste Authority, Member of the Montgomery County Board of Equalization, City Council – 4 years, County Commission – 4 years, Member, Chair of the Industrial Development Board and a graduate of Leadership Clarksville